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Australia's 132 Business Migration Program

Also known as "business talent migration program", it is a direct one-step way to obtain permanent residence, which is more suitable for large and medium-sized business owners. But state nomination is required for 132 program and the investors are required to operate a business in Australia.

  • Type of visa

    5-year permanent residence visa

  • Processing time

    9-12 Months

  • Suitable for people

    Potential applicants Shareholders of Large Enterprises

  • Investment amount

    A $1.5 million


Requirements for Business Talent (Permanent) visa (subclass 132)

Age: You should be under the age of 55;

Net assets: You should have net martial/individual/family assets of at least A$1.5million(aboutRMB7.5million);

Investment: You should investA$1.5 milliontostarta businessinAustralia.After obtainingthe permanentresidencevisa,youshouldstartyour businesswithin12 monthsafterarrivinginAustralia;

Business: For twoofthepastfourfiscalyears,thenet value of the companyassets has been atleast A$400,000 and theannualturnoverofthecompanyhas been at least$3million. Your spouse and you should have at least a 30% shareholding,andinthecase ofalistedcompany,it is notlessthan10%.

Advantages of Business Talent (Permanent) visa (subclass 132)

  • 01

    You can obtaina 5- year132 permanentresidence visa directly andenjoy benefits of permanentresidence fromthefirst dayofarrivalin Australia.

  • 02

    Generally, only A$1.5-3 million is needed, which is lower than the requirement of A$5 million under 188C Visa.

  • 03

    The residence requirement is not specified but the applicant must prove his / her participation in the management of Australian company.

  • 04

    You just need to invest at least A$1 million into a business in Australia (Excluding South Australia) 05 The requirments for state nomination are relatively lower. For example, you just need to invest at least A$1 million into a business in Western Australia/

  • 05

    The requirments for state nomination are relatively lower. For example, you just need to invest at least A$1 million into a business in Western Australia/ Queensland or meet the requirment that the total value of exports in South Australia is not less than A $600,000.

Note:Therequirementsarerelativelyhighin New South Wales/Victoria. (Theapplicantis supposed to haveaclearidea about the proposed investment, which shall meet the requirements of the state government.


1. Review:Although the 132 Visa is a permanent resident visa, after two years of arrival, the Department of Home Affairs will require the applicanttoprovide evidence showing that he/she have continued his/her business as well as the latest state nomination form.Ifthe applicant is found complying with the requirements according to the the review carried out twoyears later,the Department of Home Affairs willinformtheapplicantthatno further action is required. IftheDepartment of Home Affairsisnot satisfiedwiththe information provided in the review,itmayoccurthat:

(a) The 132 permanent residence visa granted to the applicant and his/her family will be cancelled directly;

(b) The appliacnt may be given an additional one year and will be required to participate in a monitoring survey one year latesr. (The applicant has started his/her business or made investments but the time or business scale does not meet the requirements of the Department of Home Affairs.)

2. Extension requirements: A permanent resident need to meet the residence requirement that he/she have lived in Australia for more than 2 years in 5 years before he/she can extend their long-term resident return visa. (At least the husband or the wife meets the requirement. The one who meets the requirement can extend the long-term resident return visa for 5 years. For person who does not meet the requirement, he/she can extend the long-term resident return visa for 1 year. Children over 18 years old must meet the residence requirement).

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